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Home / Resources / Club Dinghies - Hiring & Leasing

Club Dinghies - Hiring & Leasing

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Following the trial of leasing and short term hiring of Club Dinghies the Club has been extended to the 2024 season.

As a RYA Active and Pathway Club we offer not only sail training to all ages, but also we offer race coaching. In the past this has been most successful when juniors have had access to any of the following:

a) Family-owned dinghy

b) Club (RYA_JMST) Topper leased

c) Club dinghy e.g. Topper, Pico, Optimist, Laser or Double hander - RS Feva / RS Vision

We plan to engage more members to go on the water more often and to ensure that Club resources are regularly utilised. The focus we believe will be provided if a member has a temporary assigned resource via a leasing long term or hiring short term option.


  1. Actively increase the participation of members in sailing activities
  2. Increase the resources available at the Club if these initiatives provide positive outcomes
  3. Improve the training offering to increase capacity in particular to younger sailors aged 8-14 and to adult/ female sailors.

Key initiatives

The club has identified several initiatives from a review of dinghy usage over the past 4 years. Hiring and Leasing worked well in the latter half of the 2023 season.

We wish to ensure:

  • 1.Continued participation through the club Junior Development Programme
  • 2.Non-boat owning sailors who are enthusiastic and wish to develop their sailing and racing skills have access to a club resource
  • 3.Reduce 14-24 year old participation drop-off
  • 4.Making sailing more female friendly (increase/retain female members)
  • 5.Targeting adult members and getting them back into sport


The club has identified strengths in developing sailors in the following pathways:

Single hander, Junior in Toppers, Youth in ILCA (Lasers) and Adults in ILCA (Lasers).

The club also has active classes in:

Double hander: Large double handers, Laser 2000, (mostly adults)

Keelboat: Small open keelboat Flying Fifteen. (mostly adults)

The club plan to develop:

Single hander, direct more youth and adult sailors into ILCA 4.7 / ILCA 6 from Toppers

Double hander, Junior / Youth via RS Feva. (closely aligned to weight/height)

Priority goes to Leasing single hander dinghies first and Hiring dinghies second:

Purpose of Lease Scheme

The purpose of the scheme is to provide a member the opportunity to sail in a class before committing to buying a boat.

Separate try a sail and social sailing events are available for those who want to have an experience in a boat. The Picos, RS Visions will be available to take the inexperienced sailing on Friendly Fridays/ Onboard sessions. All those who have taken up the opportunity to lease the Club dinghies will also be encouraged to take part in these events.

The aim of the club in leasing out dinghies is to meet the needs identified in the Club Development Plan

Club boats available for Lease

Pre 2024 season, the following boats were available to those wishing to lease a dinghy all season with the criteria that the Club has use of these dinghies during Courses (if not in use by the assigned Sailor)

  • 2 x Leased
  • 1 x JMST Topper remaining
  • 1 x ILCA 6 (Laser Radial) dinghy (optional 4.7 rig ILCA 4)
  • The Sailor must meet the criteria to start racing (sailing on Wednesday and Sundays), take part in any training on offer and progress to Regattas and external events such as the RYANI Youth Championships, where they can enter the Regatta Fleet as their initial step into racing.

Criteria for leasing club boats

Priority should be given in order as follows:

Applications will only be accepted from Members

  • Priority shall be given to children in Family Memberships
  • If there are no applications from the above category, Junior Members from 2023 who renewed in Jan 2024 will be considered.

Applicants (Junior and Adults) MUST hold RYA NSS Level 2/ YSS Stage 3 and (Start racing or demonstrate an appropriate level of competency to the RTC Principal or the Training & Admin Officer from the Club)

Applications for the lease of a boat must be from an applicant whose profile (age, ability, size etc. matches the pathway development.

*Topper 8-15 yrs old, Weight range:40-60 kg

RS Feva XL max 15 yrs old, 85-110kg combined

**ILCA 4/Laser 4.7 33-55kgs, ILCA 6/ Laser Radial 55-75kgs & Full 75 kg plus

Application from a Family or Full member who does not own a boat

Secondary, Application from a member who has not had a Club boat from the Club in the past 2 years

Should the Club receive multiple valid applications which meet the criteria. In the first instance, the Club will approach the applicants in an attempt to see if the lease can be shared (i.e. 2 months each: early, late summer points or Autumn series). Failing an agreement, a decision will be made by the RTC Principal, his decision is final.

N.B. The exception to exclusivity is that Club Boats are made available during the week days for Sailing Courses. Also, if not in use by the assignee on a training session on a Friday, or weekends, all kit is to be left in the dinghy or Clubhouse to be available for the sessions. Your children must also be willing to share the resource if they are partaking in training sessions, should the Instructor wish to swap them out to develop skills.

Your side of the agreement with the Club, is to look after the Dinghy and organise any repairs that may be required, the Club will make repair from the utilisation on the Training Courses.

The short term hires will be insured by the Club. The Long term seasonal lease will require the assigned parent to insure the Dinghy approx. £25-35. This protects the Club's insurance premiums.

N.B. Check you are insured to tow a boat etc.

If you intend on taking a dinghy to an Event, Regatta or external training course where it is short term hire, you must inform the RTC Principal or the Training Officer to check all insurance policies.

Purpose of Hire Scheme

The purpose is to provide members who do not own their own boat the opportunity to take part in sailing programmes and racing at the Club. This is a shorter term opportunity than leasing.

Club boats available for Hire will only be available if all boats identified in the Leasing scheme have not been aligned.

Hire will be on offer for the seasonal periods as shown below.

Spring Season (March April)


6 weeks

£5 - £10 per session

Early, Late Series Season

Sunday & Wednesday

2 x 8 weeks

£5 - £10 per session

Autumn Season (Sept/Oct)


6 weeks

£5 - £10 per session
  • Topper JMST x 1 *if not leased
  • Topper x 3 *older fleet for hire
  • ILCA /Laser x 1 * for hire
  • Pico x 2 for hire
  • Optimist x 5 RS for hire
  • Feva x2 *TBC - if not leased

Criteria for Hiring Club boats

Similar as per the Leasing Scheme, shorter term options. Pay as you go

Priority should be given in order as follows:

Bookings are accepted only from paid up Members

  • 1.Priority shall be given to children in Family membership or with a parent who is a full Membership.
  • 2.If there no applications from the above category, Junior & adult Members will be considered when booking is made
  • Applicants (Junior and Adults) MUST hold RYA NSS Level 2/YSS Stage2+ and have regularly sailed and taken part in training
  • This will also be assessed by the Training Officer when bookings made

Applications for the hire of a boat that is a suitable pathway for the applicant profile (age, ability, size etc must be a good match.

  • Topper 8-15 yrs old, Weight range:40-60 kg /
  • RS Feva XL up to 15 yrs old, 85-110kg combined (parent and child will be considered)
  • ILCA 4/Laser 4.7 33-55kgs, ILCA 6/ Laser Radial 55-75kgs & Full 75 kg plus

Any queries on this Policy, please contact the RTC Principal John Lews or Training Officer - Sheela Lewis

Last updated 17:24 on 10 March 2024

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